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  • Writer's pictureSolar Reformers

How we are dealing with the corona virus

In the past two months, we were hoping to complete the implementation of our project. Unforntunately, the country is under lock-down, and all schools have been closed. We were luckily still able to give solar lamps to 30 students from Fidel Castro School! They took them home shortly before schools closed. Our plan was to visit the school again in March and April and organize a workshop about climate action and paint a mural for the school. This will have to be postponed now. We also got very helpful feedback from those students that we were able to contact over telephone. They use their lamps for approximately 2 hours every day for homework, lighting the house and compelting chores. They all agree that the solar lamp has been helpful in their household and has made an improvement in their education possible. We are very glad that we could help those students, and we hope to see them again once the schools reopen!

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